Sunday, 17 August 2014

DPRK Players Prove Successful at World Taekwon-Do Championships (English | Korean)

 Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- DPRK players proved successful at the 11th World Junior and the 6th World Veteran Taekwon-Do Championships held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, from August 3 to 10.
    They participated in the junior championship.
    They bagged 18 gold medals, three silver medals and seven bronze medals to be placed first in team standing.
    They separately won women's team sparring, men's and women's team pattern and men's and women's self-defense matches.
    Ha Kum Gwang and Sin Hyon Il separately placed first in men's above 75 kg individual sparring matches in the age category of 16-17 and in the 51 kg individual sparring matches in the age category of 14-15, Kim Un Hwa, Pae Kyong Sim, Kim Chong Ok and Ju Ok in women's above 70 kg, 70 kg, 58 kg and 46 kg individual sparring matches in the age category of 16-17.
    Kim Un Ye and Won Ok won the women's 52 kg and 46 kg individual sparring matches in the age category of 14-15.
    Kim Kwang Chon and Han Tae Bom won gold medals in the men's individual pattern competitions 2nd and 3rd degrees, Pae Kyong Sim, Won Ok and Kim Un Hwa in the women's individual pattern competitions 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees.
    DPRK players placed second in the men's team special technique competitions.
    Pak Yong Bok and Choe Kyong Won placed second and third in the men's 45 kg and 69 kg individual sparring matches in the age category of 16-17 and Pak Un Ha third in the women's 52 kg individual sparring matches.
    Kim Kwang Chon and Ri Tu Song won bronze medals in the men's 57 kg and 45 kg individual sparring matches in the age category of 14-15 and Ri Cho Won a bronze medal in the women's 58 kg individual sparring matches.
    Kang Jin Hyok took the second in the men's pattern individual matches 1st degree and Pak Chol Rim and Pak Kum Hyang third in the men's and women's individual special technique competitions.
    The junior championship brought together more than 300 men and women players from 26 countries and regions including the DPRK, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. -0-

(평양 8월 13일발 조선중앙통신)
    조선선수들이 지난 3일부터 10일까지 따쥐끼스딴의 수도 두샨베에서 진행된 제11차 청소년 및 제6차 로장태권도세계선수권대회에서 우승하였다.
    조선선수들은 청소년경기에만 참가하였다.
    대회에서 조선선수들은 금메달 18개,은메달 3개,동메달 7개를 획득하고 나라별 종합순위에서 1위를 하였다.
    조선선수들은 녀자단체맞서기,남,녀단체틀,남,녀호신경기들에서 각각 우승하였다.
    하금광,신현일선수들은 16~17살부류 75㎏이상급,14~15살부류 51㎏급 남자개인맞서기경기에서,김은화,배경심,김청옥,주옥선수들은 16~17살부류 70㎏이상급,70㎏급,58㎏급,46㎏급 녀자개인맞서기경기에서 각각 1위를 하였다.
    또한 김은예,원옥선수들이 14~15살부류 52㎏급,46㎏급 녀자개인맞서기경기에서 각각 우승하였다.
    김광천,한대범선수들은 남자개인 2,3단틀경기에서,배경심,원옥,김은화선수들이 녀자개인 1,2,3단틀경기에서 각각 금메달을 수여받았다.
    남자단체 특기경기에서 조선선수들은 2위를 차지하였다.
    한편 16~17살부류 45㎏급,69㎏급 남자개인맞서기경기에서 박영복,최경원선수들이 각각 2,3위를,52㎏급 녀자개인맞서기경기에서 박은하선수가 3위를 하였다.
    14~15살부류 57㎏급,45㎏급 남자개인맞서기경기에서 김광천,리두성선수들과 58㎏급 녀자개인맞서기경기에서 리초원선수가 각각 동메달을 받았다.
    남자개인 1단틀경기에서 강진혁선수가 2위를,남,녀개인특기경기에서 박철림,박금향선수들이 각각 3위를 하였다.
    청소년경기에는 조선과 로씨야,우크라이나,까자흐스딴을 비롯한 26개 나라와 지역의 남,녀선수 300여명이 참가하였다.(끝)

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