Sunday, 10 May 2015

The farm with many ssirum wrestlers [KSF - 2012/7/6]

There was held sports games of farmers at the Mangyongdae Vegetable Farm in June 2011.
One of the events attracting the greatest interest of spectators was a ssirum match. The advantage of the game is that it can be played at any time and at any place. Because of this, the farm has defined ssirum as the sports event most suitable to the realities of rural community, and put great efforts in it.
 The number of ssirum wrestlers among its farmers is ever increasing, and the farm has won several national folk games.

Grounds of Folk Games on the Increase [KSF - 2015/4/10]

In North Phyongan Province

A number of grounds of folk games were laid in the Mt. Myohyang area, with different facilities and instruments for chess, yut and other games.

Yomju County built a marvellous sports park last year which is equipped with facilities and instruments for various kinds of folk games.

Factories and enterprises in Sinuiju City also established the Namsang Park, a folk park, furnished with grounds for swinging, seesawing, ssirum (Korean wrestling) and archery. The park was added with a paduk (go) house recently, while a ssirum hall went up with credit in the Amnokkang Pleasure Ground.

Nyongbyon County worked out a plan for establishment of a folk game ground in the scenic spot of Yaksan, and finished it by mobilizing the county population.

Uiju County also laid a good ground for folk games. The county people erected in the vicinity of Thonggun Pavilion a good ground for the playing of ssirum, seesawing and swinging with the stand built with well-cut stones.

Phihyon and Sonchon counties also established similar centres. Kusong and Jongju cities, Tonnim, Kwaksan and other counties also admirably set up grounds of folk games equipped with all things needed