Tuesday, 24 November 2015

DPRK to Host 20th World Taekwon-Do Championships (English | 조선글 | 中国語 | Español | 日本語)

    Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- The 20th World Taekwon-Do Championships will be held in the DPRK in Juche 106 (2017).
    According to Kim Chol Gyu, director of finance and administration of the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), the ITF adopted at its general meeting held in Bulgaria in August this year a decision that the DPRK will host the 20th World Taekwon-Do Championships.
    The general meeting elected Ri Yong Son, who was general executive director of the ITF and vice-chairman of the Korean Taekwon-Do Committee, president of the ITF and Jang Ung, former ITF president, honorary president of the ITF.
    The Taekwon-Do Hall in Chongchun Street, Pyongyang has been spruced up as part of preparations for the championships.
    Kim Yong Jae, manager of the Taekwon-Do Hall, said that the renovation of the hall is now getting accelerated.
    The Taekwon-Do Hall witnessed two world Taekwon-Do championships and the World Juvenile Taekwon-Do Championship since its opening on September 10, 1992. -0-

조선을 제20차 태권도세계선수권대회 주최지로 선정,태권도전당개건공사 한창

  (평양 10월 23일발 조선중앙통신)
    태권도모국인 조선에서 주체106(2017)년에 제20차 태권도세계선수권대회가 진행된다.
    국제태권도련맹 재정 및 행정국장 김철규가 밝힌데 의하면 지난 8월 벌가리아에서 있은 국제태권도련맹 총회에서는 조선이 제20차 태권도세계선수권대회를 주최한다는 결정이 채택되였다.
    총회에서는 지난 시기 국제태권도련맹 차장,집행총국장,국제무도경기위원회 부사무총장,조선태권도위원회 부위원장으로 사업한바있는 리용선(교수,태권도7단소유)이 국제태권도련맹 총재로 새로 선거되였다.
    장웅 전 총재는 국제태권도련맹 명예총재로 되였다.
    세계선수권대회의 성과적보장을 위해 평양의 청춘거리에 위치한 태권도전당이 훌륭히 개건되고있다.
    연건축면적이 늘어나고 경기장내부와 훈련장들,회의실 등의 면모가 일신된다.
    그리고 무도종합훈련장,바둑훈련장,심판원실,기자회견실,선수휴계실과 위생시설들이 새로 꾸려진다.
    태권도전당 지배인 김영재는 종업원들과 건설자들의 열의에 의해 개건공사가 빠른 속도로 추진되고있다고 말하였다.
    민족의 슬기와 용맹을 상징하는 조선의 태권도의 보급과 발전에 이바지하고있는 태권도전당은 1992년 9월 10일에 개관되였다. 이곳에서는 앞서 두차례의 태권도세계선수권대회와 한차례의 청소년태권도세계선수권대회가 진행되였다.(끝)

朝鲜成功申办第20届跆拳道世锦赛 跆拳道殿堂改建工程红火

    朝中社平壤10月23日电 跆拳道母国——朝鲜将于2017年主持举办第20届跆拳道世锦赛。

Se realizará en RPDC XX campeonato mundial de Taekwon-Do

    Pyongyang, 23 de octubre (ACNC) -- En la República Popular Democrática de Corea, patria de Taekwon-Do, tendrá lugar en el año 106 (2017) de la Era Juche el XX Campeonato Mundial de Taekwon-Do.
    Según Kim Chol Gyu, director de la financia y la administración de la Federación Internacional de Taekwon-Do (ITF en inglés), la asamblea general de la ITF, efectuada en agosto en Bulgaria, aprobó una resolución concerniente.
    La asamblea general eligió como nuevo presidente de la ITF a Ri Yong Son (prof. y poseído del grado 7) quien tiene los antecedentes de haber trabajado como vicepresidente de la ITF, jefe de la Dirección Ejecutiva de la ITF, subsecretario general del Comité Internacional de Juegos de Artes Marciales (CIJAM) y vicepresidente del Comité de Taekwon-Do de Corea.
    Su antecesor, Jang Ung fue nombrado como presiente honorario de la ITF.
    A fin de asegurar la celebración exitosa del campeonato se reconstruye magníficamente el Palacio de Taekwon-Do, situado en la capitalina Avenida Chongchun.
    Se extenderá la superficie total y se remodelarán la cancha interior, las salas de entrenamiento, la sala de reuniones, etc.
    Se acondicionarán de nuevo la sala de entrenamiento integral de arte marcial, la de Paduk, la de árbitros, la de entrevistas, la de descanso para jugadores e instalaciones higiénicas.
    Kim Yong Jae, gerente del Palacio de Taekwon-Do, dijo que gracias al entusiasmo de los constructores, se impulsa con rapidez la obra de reconstrucción.
    Ese palacio, que contribuye a la divulgación y desarrollo de Taekwon-Do, símbolo de inteligencia y valentía de la nación coreana, se inauguró el 10 de septiembre de 1992. Allí se efectuó dos veces el Campeonato Mundial de Taekwon-Do y una vez el Campeonato Mundial de Jóvenes de Taekwon-Do. -0-



Thursday, 8 October 2015

Well-known Taekwon-Do Coach [KCNA] [15.09.15]

Pyongyang, September 15 (KCNA)

The DPRK team won four trophies and 16 gold medals in the 19th World Taekwon-Do Championships, ranking the first in country standings.  

      Such success would have been unthinkable without the sincere efforts of coaches of the National Taekwon-Do Team.
    Among the coaches is Labor Hero and People's Athlete Jang Kyong Ok.
    "It is my desire to train more aces for the development of Taekwon-Do", she said when interviewed by KCNA.

    She was one of successful Taekwon-Do players in the DPRK. She was a world champion at women's individual sparring in above 70kg category. She won technique prizes in the 9th, 10th and 11th world Taekwon-Do championships.
    She entered upon a coach career in May Juche 97 (2008).
    She has made big contributions to putting up the DPRK team on winner's podium in different international games, including the 16th, 17th and 18th world Taekwon-Do championships.

     Over 20 players among her trainees were awarded the titles of People's and Merited Athlete.
    She is now active as an A-class international referee.

      The International Taekwon-Do Federation honored her with a special cup for her excellent refereeing in the 10th World Juvenile Taekwon-Do Championships and the 5th World Veteran Taekwon-Do Championships. -0-


Sunday, 10 May 2015

The farm with many ssirum wrestlers [KSF - 2012/7/6]

There was held sports games of farmers at the Mangyongdae Vegetable Farm in June 2011.
One of the events attracting the greatest interest of spectators was a ssirum match. The advantage of the game is that it can be played at any time and at any place. Because of this, the farm has defined ssirum as the sports event most suitable to the realities of rural community, and put great efforts in it.
 The number of ssirum wrestlers among its farmers is ever increasing, and the farm has won several national folk games.

Grounds of Folk Games on the Increase [KSF - 2015/4/10]

In North Phyongan Province

A number of grounds of folk games were laid in the Mt. Myohyang area, with different facilities and instruments for chess, yut and other games.

Yomju County built a marvellous sports park last year which is equipped with facilities and instruments for various kinds of folk games.

Factories and enterprises in Sinuiju City also established the Namsang Park, a folk park, furnished with grounds for swinging, seesawing, ssirum (Korean wrestling) and archery. The park was added with a paduk (go) house recently, while a ssirum hall went up with credit in the Amnokkang Pleasure Ground.

Nyongbyon County worked out a plan for establishment of a folk game ground in the scenic spot of Yaksan, and finished it by mobilizing the county population.

Uiju County also laid a good ground for folk games. The county people erected in the vicinity of Thonggun Pavilion a good ground for the playing of ssirum, seesawing and swinging with the stand built with well-cut stones.

Phihyon and Sonchon counties also established similar centres. Kusong and Jongju cities, Tonnim, Kwaksan and other counties also admirably set up grounds of folk games equipped with all things needed

Friday, 24 April 2015

Future Taekwon-Do Practitioners

In the DPRK, a big effort is being channelled into the education in Taekwon-Do, traditional martial art permeated with the stamina and spirit of the Korean nation, and development of its techniques.
The South Hwanghae Provincial Taekwon-Do Team is picking out students with more aptitude and hope for the event and training them into excellent players.

First of all, the team is making scrupulous plans of training based on the detailed analysis of the students’ constitutions, psychological features and fitness.
Coaches are educating the players in fundamental techniques of Taekwon-Do, while ensuring that they keep synchronized and accurate movements in every pattern with the help of visual aids, video clips and demonstration of model movements.

They are putting efforts into training the players to be dexterous in various techniques and skills of sparring and get wider appreciation of every element and movement. They are also preparing them physically so as to play seven or eight rounds in match and raise the percentage of success in executing elements of difficulty such as jumping body turning kick.
The sports team is making strenuous efforts to train the reserves on the basis of correct methodology. To this end, it encourages its coaches to model after the innovative views and coaching experiences of those who achieved good results in international and domestic matches.

Coach Yun Hui Un, by delving deep into individual characters of the students, is developing rational training methods and applying them to training so as to make satisfactory results in the execution of elements of difficulty. Regular drills of sparring are conducted in different situations, thus instilling in students confidence in their technical skills and inspiring them to give full play to their fortes.

Thanks to the efforts of the coaches, the team achieved victory in the 17th Jongilbong Prize National Taekwon-Do Championship and other games held last year.
Sa Ok Jin, Jin Hak Min and several others from the team are now active in the national team under the Korean Taekwon-Do Committee, exalting the honour of the country in international games.